Small punch test of advanced in-situ synthesized Ti metal matrix composites

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Advanced Materials Research, 2008, 47-50 PART 1 pp. 738 - 741
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Particulate reinforced 10 vol.% (TiB+TiC)/Ti-6Al-4V metal matrix composites (MMCs) were produced by in-situ synthesis using vacuum arc re-melting process, and the mechanical properties of the metal matrix composites were assessed by the small punch testing (SPT). Mechanical properties of the in-situ synthesized Ti MMCs were studied and compared with the Ti base alloy. From the test data, the fracture properties and equivalent fracture strain of the test materials were characterised. The fracture mechanism of the test samples was examined using scanning electron microscopy. © 2008 Trans Tech Publications.
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