Bioresorbable zinc hydroxyapatite guided bone regeneration membrane for bone regeneration

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Clinical Oral Implants Research, 2016, 27 (3), pp. 354 - 360
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© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the bone regenerative properties of a heat treated cross-linked GBR membrane with zinc hydroxyapatite powders in the rat calvarial defect model over a 6-week period. Material and Methods: In vitro physio-chemical characterization involved X-ray diffraction analysis, surface topology by scanning electron microscopy, and zinc release studies in physiological buffers. Bilateral rat calvarial defects were used to compare the Zn-HAp membranes against the commercially available collagen membranes and the unfilled defect group through radiological and histological evaluation. Results: The synthesized Zn-MEM (100 μm thick) showed no zinc ions released in the phosphate buffer solution (PBS) buffer, but zinc was observed under acidic conditions. At 6 weeks, both the micro-CT and histological analyses revealed that the Zn-MEM group yielded significantly greater bone formation with 80 ± 2% of bone filled, as compared with 60 ± 5% in the collagen membrane and 40 ± 2% in the unfilled control group. Conclusion: This study demonstrated the use of heat treatment as an alternative method to cross-linking the Zn-MEM to be applied as a GBR membrane. Its synthesis and production are relatively simple to fabricate, and the membrane had rough surface features on one side, which might be beneficial for cellular activities. In a rat calvarial defect model, it was shown that new bone formation was accelerated in comparison with the collagen membrane and the unfilled defect groups. These results would suggest that Zn-MEM has the potential for further development in dental applications.
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