When engagement meets similarity: Efficient (k,r)-Core computation on social networks

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2017, 10 (10), pp. 998 - 1009
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© 2017 VLDB Endowment. In this paper, we investigate the problem of (k,r)-core which intends to find cohesive subgraphs on social networks considering both user engagement and similarity perspectives. In particular, we adopt the popular concept of k-core to guarantee the engagement of the users (vertices) in a group (subgraph) where each vertex in a (k,r)-core connects to at least k other vertices. Meanwhile, we consider the pairwise similarity among users based on their attributes. Efficient algorithms are proposed to enumerate all maximal (k,r)- cores and find the maximum (k,r)-core, where both problems are shown to be NP-hard. Effective pruning techniques substantially reduce the search space of two algorithms. A novel (k,k')-core based (k,r)-core size upper bound enhances performance of the maximum (k,r)-core computation. We also devise effective search orders for two mining algorithms where search priorities for vertices are different. Comprehensive experiments on real-life data demonstrate that the maximal/maximum (k,r)-cores enable us to find interesting cohesive subgraphs, and performance of two mining algorithms is effectively improved by proposed techniques.
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