Controlled tuning of whispering gallery modes of GaN/InGaN microdisk cavities

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Journal Article
Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 99 (11)
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Controlled tuning of the whispering gallery modes of GaN/InGaN microdisk cavities is demonstrated. The whispering gallery mode (WGM) tuning is achieved at room temperature by immersing the microdisks in water and irradiating with ultraviolet laser. The tuning rate can be controlled by varying the laser excitation power, with a nanometer precision accessible at low excitation power (approximately several W). The selective oxidation mechanism is proposed to explain the results and supported by theoretical analysis. The tuning of WGMs in GaN/InGaN microdisk cavities may have important implications in cavity quantum electrodynamics and the development of efficient light emitting devices. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.
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