Stimulated Brillouin scattering in nanophotonic waveguides and resonators

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In this work, we theoretically and numerically study Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS) in integrated waveguides and resonators. We review SBS process by using coupled equations and determine a broad range of SBS parameters including SBS gain, opto-acoustic overlap, optical forces and power conversion between pump and Stokes waves. For numeric analysis, in addition to performing simulations we write appropriate codes and employ different iterative techniques as well as root finding methods to analyze SBS in interested configurations. We study silicon-chalcogenide slot waveguides as a robust candidate to enhance SBS. We explain how constructive contribution of radiation pressure and electrostriction can increase the SBS gain in this structure. We also optimize the waveguide geometry and determine the optimum pump power as well as waveguide length as a function of SBS figure of merit, using our analytic expressions. We also show that putting a silica layer on top of the waveguide lead to a significant increase in the opto-acoustic overlaps and therefore, rise the SBS gain while reducing the impact of nonlinear losses in this structure. We explore SBS in integrated racetrack ring resonators in both regimes of amplifying and lasing. We use analytic and numeric approaches to demonstrate pump and Stokes evolution in designed rings and through the output. In addition we analyze the impact of nonlinear dispersion as well as thermal effects on SBS in rings. Finally, we determine the pump power to achieve Stokes amplification, the threshold pump power for lasing and the output Stokes power in the presence of linear and nonlinear optical losses.
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