Using the Learner-Generated Digital Media (LGDM) framework in tertiary science education: A pilot study

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Education Sciences, 2018, 8 (3)
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© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Learner-Generated Digital Media (LGDM) has become prevalent in higher education. Frameworks have been developed for video-making in the classroom that consider technical requirements, pedagogies, and the combination of both. However, missing is a practical model to guide academics and students on the implementation of LGDM assignments. This research aims to test a model to design, implement, and evaluate LGDM as an assessment tool. The model was built based on research gaps and it considers the following elements: (1) pedagogy, (2) student training, (3) hosting of videos, (4) marking schemes, (5) group contribution, (6) feedback, (7) reflection, and (8) evaluation. For this purpose, five science subjects (N = 270) were used to test the model as a guide to implementing LGDM assignments. Data was gathered using a validated 33-step questionnaire instrument. Additionally, group contributions were received using the SPARKPlus peer review application, and marks attained were gathered. Methodological triangulation of the datasets suggested that students have a positive attitude toward LGDM for science learning. Students enjoyed the group work and creativity, and they identified digital media support as a critical component of their learning experience. Preliminary data support using the LGDM framework to design digital media assignments for science education.
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