Three impossible things before lunch - The task of a sample environment specialist

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Neutron Research, 2017, 19 (1-2), pp. 49 - 56
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© 2017 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved. In the course of their day, sample environment professionals can be confronted by numerous technical challenges applicable to a range of scientific questions. This paper presents three successful outcomes from user-posed sample environment challenges for in situ neutron scattering experiments undertaken at the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering (formerly the Bragg Institute). The sample environments presented here have nothing in common other than their novelty. They may not be the best solution but have been constrained by time, resources and ability. The questions the users posed were: Can we mount a cylinder in cylinder (CIC) rheometer, more regularly used on a small angle scattering instrument, on a diffraction instrument and obtain usable data? Can we supply high-voltage (up to 10 kV) across a sample within the Paris-Edinburgh press while mounted on a powder diffraction instrument? And finally can a Lakeshore 340 and an in-house built liquid conductivity cell do the job of a commercial liquid conductivity meter? This paper presents the engineering and equipment solutions that were used to answer these questions, and in each case the scientific users left with useful, intriguing and, hopefully, publishable data.
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