Electroencephalography as a predictor of self-report fatigue/sleepiness during monotonous driving in train drivers

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Journal Article
Physiological Measurement, 2018, 39 (10)
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© 2018 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine. Objective: In this study, electroencephalography activity recorded during monotonous driving was investigated to examine the predictive capability of monopolar EEG analysis for fatigue/sleepiness in a cohort of train drivers. Approach: Sixty-three train drivers participated in the study, where 32- lead monopolar EEG data was recorded during a monotonous driving task. Participant sleepiness was assessed using the Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI), the Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS), the Karolinksa sleepiness scale (KSS) and the checklist of individual strength 20 (CIS20). Main results: Self-reported fatigue/sleepiness scores of the train driver cohort were primarily associated with EEG delta, theta, and alpha variables; however, some beta and gamma associations were also implicated. Furthermore, general linear models informed by these EEG variables were able to predict self-reported scores with varying degrees of success, representing between 48% and 54% of variance in fatigue scores. Significance: Self-reported fatigue/sleepiness scores of train drivers were predicted with varying degrees of success (dependent upon the self-reported fatigue/sleepiness measure) by alterations to monopolar delta, theta, and alpha band activity variables, indicating EEG as a potential indicator for fatigue/sleepiness in train drivers.
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