Diffusion synthesis and electronic properties of Fe-doped ZnO

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Materials Letters, 2010, 64 (3), pp. 386 - 388
Issue Date:
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Fe-doped ZnO was successfully fabricated by thermal in-diffusion of Fe into ZnO crystals. X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES), photoemission and cathodoluminescence (CL) spectroscopy have been combined to examine the Fe diffusion and its effects on the electronic and optical properties of the crystal. Depth-resolved CL demonstrates that Fe in-diffusion occurs to at least 4 μm depth and results in intense green luminescence, whereas the undoped crystal exhibits only the ZnO near-band-edge emission. XANES and valence-band photoemission show that Fe is incorporated as Fe2+/3+ ions on substitutional Zn sites. The results suggest that the variation in the CL properties is due to a change in the oxygen vacancy charge state as a result of electron transfer from Fe. Crown Copyright © 2009.
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