Seasonal population dynamics of the Australian White Ibis (Threskiornis molucca) in urban environments

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Emu, 2010, 110 (2), pp. 132 - 136
Issue Date:
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Since the 1970s, the Australian White Ibis (Threskiornis molucca) has increased in abundance in coastal urban environments, where its high numbers can come into conflict with human interests. Little is known about them, and baseline information for appropriate management is lacking. Here we present data on the populations and age-composition of three major colonies of Ibis from the Sydney area over one year. Colonies differed between sites and through the year, which highlights the need for a broad-scale assessment of colonies before undertaking management actions. An analysis of the fly-in directions to their overnight roosts suggests that Ibis forage mainly at landfills. © 2010 Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union.
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