Conversion of calcified algae (Halimeda sp) and hard coral (Porites sp) to Hydroxyapatite

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Key Engineering Materials, 2017, 758 KEM pp. 157 - 161
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© 2017 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. Calcium phosphate materials can be produced using a number of wet methods that are based on hydrothermal or co-precipitation methods that might use acidic or basic chemical environments. In our previously published works, we have investigated calcium phosphates such as monetite, hydroxyapatite, and whitlockite which were successfully produced by mechano-chemical methods and/or hydrothermal treatments from a range of marine shells and corals which were obtained from the Great Barrier Reef. The aim of the current work was to analyze and compare the mechanisms of conversion of one hard coral species and one calcified algae species from the Great Barrier Reef.
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