The architecture of a quantum programming environment

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This thesis presents the architecture of quantum programming environment, called QSI, along with its related modules and several quantum experiments. The environment is based on one specific quantum language, namely quantum while-language. Some partial experimental results are also presented within QSI. The first part relates to the architecture, the designing and the implementation of quantum programming environment which provides a new, powerful and flexible environment for developing and implementing quantum programs. First, we study the possible structure of the programming environment which supports a measurement-based case statement and a measurement-based while-loop. These two program constructs are extremely convenient for describing large-scale quantum algorithms, such as quantum random walk-based algorithms. We also define a new assembly language called f-QASM (Quantum Assembly Language with feedback) as an interactive command set. The assembly language is compatible with other low-level instruction sets and can be used to directly drive quantum hardware. Moreover, the simulation of syntax of quantum program and the behaviours within the architecture on the classical computer are discussed. Finally, we consider the work-flow which contains the decomposition of unitary matrix to achieve the goal that executing on Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Computer. The second part concerns the modules based on quantum programming environment: termination analysis module, detective separable unitary module and quantum control module. Along with the architecture, we bring an essential module - termination analysis module for the loop structure. It can analyze sub-bodies of quantum program and suggest the critical termination information. In addition, we improve the Jordan decomposition step in the original algorithm which consumes extended period for analyzing. This improvement also makes the module more robust on executing. A fast permutation algorithm module clarifies the re-ordering algorithm in case of qubits system. It regenerates the program (unitary operator) which is not in pre-ordered sequence. In the detective separable unitary module, we prove sufficient conditions for separable unitary and its approximate scenario. The result shows there does not exist a universal algorithm for potential parallel executing quantum programs without communications (classical or quantum communications). However, in approximate, there exists a scheme for parallel computing without the help of communication. In this part, two examples for parallel computing are given. Last, in quantum control module, an algorithm is suggested towards automatically generating quantum circuits for quantum case-statement. We believe these analysis modules can help the compiler to optimize the implementation of quantum algorithms. The third part is devoted to quantum experiment. First, we focus several experiments which can be operated directly by QSI : Qloop, BB84 protocol and Grover search algorithm. After that, with the help of IBM’s QISKit, two impressive experiments: distinguishing unitary gates and Bell states are given on real quantum computer. Finally, we combine QSI with Microsoft’s LIQUi|> to implement quantum case-statement. These experiments significantly show the quantum power and the scalable framework of the quantum programming environment in practice.
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