The pre-chorismate (shikimate) and quinate pathways in filamentous fungi : theoretical and practical aspects

Soc General Microbiology
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of General Microbiology, 1993, 139 (12), pp. 2891 - 2899
Issue Date:
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The detailed chemistry and enzymology of the shikimate pathway have been extensively discussed in recent excellent reviews (Pittard, 1987 ; Bentley, 1990 ; Braus, 1991). This short review will therefore focus ( a ) on the web of interconnecting evolutionary and structural relationships within and between the enzymes and regulatory proteins that constitute the pre-chorismate (shikimate) and the related quinate pathways, and ( b ) the possibility of pathway engineering to divert major new carbon flux from the quinate pathway into the shikimate pathway.
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