Quantum emission from localized defects in zinc sulfide

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Optics Letters, 2019, 44 (19), pp. 4873 - 4876
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© 2019 Optical Society of America Single-photon sources in solid-state systems are widely explored as fundamental constituents of numerous quantum-based technologies. We report the observation of single-photon emitters in zinc sulfide and present their photo-physical properties via established spectroscopy techniques. The emitter behaves like a three-level system with an intermediate metastable state. It emits at ∼640 nm, and its emission is linearly polarized, with a lifetime of (2.2 ± 0.8) ns. The existence of single-photon sources in zinc sulfide is appealing due to the well-established manufacturing techniques of the material, its versatile technological uses, as well as the availability of many zinc isotopes with potential for designing ad hoc emitter–host pairs with tailored properties.
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