Comparison of shear bond strengths between a mica-based glass-ceramic and human dentin using three different resin cements

Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society, 2019, 55 (1), pp. 47 - 55
Issue Date:
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Three resin cements, RelyX™ Ultimate, Panavia F2.0 and RelyX™ U200, were evaluated for their bond strengths between a mica glass-ceramic and human dentin. This research shows that a self-etch dental cement resin system, Panavia F2.0 provided the best bond strength. The glass-ceramic was produced and phases analysed. Biaxial flexural strength and hardness were measured and found to be comparable to that of human enamel and dentin. Bond strength was measured before and after thermocycling. Thermocycling was found to reduce the bond strength. Thermocycling reduced the shear bond strengths of all adhesives by 50–60%. The two-way ANOVA test was used to analyse the data (p = 0.05). Failure modes were analysed, showing failure predominately at the cement/glass-ceramic and dentin/resin cement interfaces. Failure modes changed after thermocycling. The resin cement bond between the dentin and mica glass-ceramics interfaces was examined for failure by optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
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