Development of Indoor Positioning System Using RSSI and Beacon Weight Approach in iBeacon Networks

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Increasing the location accuracy of the Indoor Positioning System (IPS) is an important research area in localization. Utilizing mobile beacons in IPS environment has made localization more accurate and cost-effective. This research developed a Filtered RSSI and Beacon Weight Approach (FRBW) based on improved Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) using Kalman filter. This approach takes both the distance and improved RSSI measurements between beacon nodes into consideration. Kalman filter is applied on the RSSI measurements that eliminate noise of the signal and then applied on FRBW positioning algorithm. The developed approach was applied and validated in IPS experiments using Bluetooth Low Energy beacons. The results show that this FRBW approach has better positioning accuracy and minimum location error, and can be applied in IoT applications in smart city.
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