Electrical excitation and charge-state conversion of silicon vacancy color centers in single-crystal diamond membranes

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Journal Article
Applied Physics Letters, 2020, 116, (10)
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© 2020 Author(s). The silicon-vacancy (SiV) color center in diamond has recently emerged as a promising qubit for quantum photonics. However, the electrical control and excitation of the SiV centers are challenging due to the low density of free carriers in doped diamond. Here, we realize electrical excitation of SiV centers in a single-crystal diamond membrane, which is promising for scalable photonic architectures. We further demonstrate electrical switching of the charge states of the SiV centers by applying a forward bias voltage to the fabricated diamond-membrane devices and identify the position of the SiV-/SiV0 charge transition level. Our findings provide a perspective toward electrical triggering of color centers in diamond and accelerate the development of scalable quantum nanophotonic technologies.
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