The Attention Mechanism in Vision and Language Analysis

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In psychology, attention is the cognitive process of concentrating on a particular aspect of information while ignoring other perceivable elements. Human visual/linguistic perceptions can eliminate distracting factors and concentrate on the most relevant components with psychological attention’s guidance. In representation learning, an operator imitating the psychological attention mechanism in feature aggregation is also in demand. CNN and RNN are the fundamental frameworks in representation learning, and they have aptitudes for processing structured data. However, the recurrent nature of RNN dilutes the long-term information as the sequence length grows. Moreover, with a fixed kernel size, the convolution has difficulty modeling the long-range relations between pixels. In order to solve the problems above, the attention mechanism is introduced to representation learning. The attention operator treats candidate elements as a set without considering their order or position; therefore, the attention-based models can concentrate on the relevant elements flexibly and free from the bondage of data structure. This thesis mainly focuses on the attention mechanism for vision and language analysis and researches 1) multimodal attention for image captioning, 2) the positional awareness in attention, 3) local attention for multi-level feature fusion. We begin with the benchmark vision & language task – image captioning, and investigate how to extend the transformer model with the ability to leverage multimodal information simultaneously. Going beyond the attention mechanism exploring content similarity solely, we develop the bilateral attention mechanism, which is equipped with positional awareness. Comprehensive experiments are conducted on two representative tasks, i.e., semantic segmentation and machine translation, and the encouraging results show that position-awareness is a beneficial supplement for the attention mechanism. Furthermore, We explore if it is feasible to replace the standard convolution with a local attention-based operator based on the attention with positional awareness. Besides, the dynamic local operator demonstrates its adaptiveness in multi-level feature fusion for semantic segmentation. Finally, the thesis is concluded with some future directions on the attention mechanism.
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