Global priority areas for incorporating land-sea connections in marine conservation

Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Conservation Letters, 2009, 2 (4), pp. 189 - 196
Issue Date:
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Coastal marine ecosystems rank among the most productive ecosystems on earth but are also highly threatened by the exposure to both ocean- and landbased human activities. Spatially explicit information on the distributions of land-based impacts is critical for managers to identify where the effects of landbased activities on ecosystem condition are greatest and, therefore, where they should prioritize mitigation of land-based impacts. Here, we quantify the global cumulative impact of four of the most pervasive land-based impacts on coastal ecosystemsnutrient input, organic and inorganic pollution, and the direct impact of coastal populations (e.g., coastal engineering and trampling)and identify hotspots of land-based impact using a variety of metrics. These threat hotspots were primarily in Europe and Asia, with the top three adjacent to the Mississippi, Ganges, and Mekong rivers
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