Stability against robust deviations in the roommate problem

Elsevier BV
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Games and Economic Behavior, 2021, 130, pp. 474-498
Issue Date:
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We propose a new solution concept in the roommate problem, based on the “robustness” of deviations (i.e., blocking coalitions). We call a deviation from a matching robust up to depth k, if none of the deviators gets worse off than at the original matching after any sequence of at most k subsequent deviations. We say that a matching is stable against robust deviations (for short, SaRD) up to depth k, if no deviation from it is robust up to depth k. As a smaller k imposes a stronger requirement for a matching to be SaRD, we investigate the existence of a matching that is SaRD with a minimal depth k. We constructively demonstrate that a SaRD matching always exists for k=3 and establish sufficient conditions for k=1 and 2.
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