Directional emission of down-converted photons from a dielectric nanoresonator

American Physical Society
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Physical Review A, 2021, 103, (4), pp. 043703
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Creation of entangled photon pairs is one of the key topics in contemporary quantum optics. In the present article, we theoretically describe the generation of photon pairs in the process of spontaneous parametric down-conversion of light by a resonant spherical nanoparticle made of a dielectric material with bulk ˆ χ ( 2 ) nonlinearity. We consider the nanoparticle size that satisfies the condition of excitation of resonant eigenmodes described by Mie theory. We demonstrate that a highly directional photon pair generation can be observed utilizing the nonlinear Kerker-type effect, and that this regime provides useful polarization correlations between the emitted photons.
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