A Data-Driven Decision Support System for Mobile Telematics

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Mobile telematics is an emerging technology that collects data on human behaviour using smartphones. All smartphones have internal sensors with the capability to record and transmit data to an external server. This technology is easy to use, the initial cost is low, and generates a massive amount of data which are noisy, complex, and uncertain. This opens many opportunities for data-driven decision making such as driving behaviour risk analysis, usage-based insurance, remote sensing, and fleet management. Traditional decision-making techniques are not able to work with this type of unstructured data. Thus, new techniques are needed based on advanced analytics to analyze mobile telematics. This research develops a big data-driven decision support system (DSS) for mobile telematics. The research relies on the capabilities of advanced analytics techniques, machine learning, and fuzzy logic. The research presents an innovative analytical system for mobile telematics which consists of four major components: 1) a data preparation component that prepares a trajectory dataset to a new and ready-for-analysis format; 2) a driving style pattern recognition that extracts hidden human patterns in mobile telematics using unsupervised learning and unlabelled data; 3) a fuzzy risk assessment is proposed to assess risk of drivers by fuzzy logic using extracted patterns by unsupervised learning; and 4) a missing data imputation component which is a novel Choquet Fuzzy Integral Vertical Bagging (CFIVB) algorithm to classify large labelled mobile telematics stream datasets. The proposed models were evaluated on two real-world mobile telematics datasets, namely an unlabelled dataset collected by a usage-based insurance company containing 500,000 journeys of 2500 drivers, and an anonymized driving behaviour dataset consisting of streaming data of 408 trips of 310 unique drivers. Various validation measures were used to evaluate the performance of the proposed models. The area under a curve (AUC) and accuracy are used to evaluate the classification algorithms and the Davis-Boulding index, the Calinski-Harabasz index, execution time, and mean square error are utilized to evaluate clustering algorithms and find the optimal number of clusters. The sensitivity analysis results show the proposed model is consistent across different variations of the model. The proposed DSS can be applied on all stream data risk assessments. Moreover, 29 unique driving styles were extracted from mobile telematics data and these patterns can be applied as labels for supervised learning modelling. In addition, performance measures depict the CFIVB algorithm performs well in this domain, and it can be applied for similar problems.
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