Comparable metabolic effects of isocaloric sucrose and glucose solutions in rats.

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Physiology and Behavior, 2021, 229, pp. 1-8
Issue Date:
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Much of the global increase in sugar intake is attributable to rising consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs). Because people compensate poorly for liquid calories, SSB consumption increases total energy intake, raising the risk of harmful metabolic effects in addition to possible effects of sugars per se. Glucose and fructose, the constituent sugars in sucrose, can exert distinct effects on metabolism and also differ in their satiating properties, suggesting that compensation for the calories in these sugars may also vary. In light of claims that the fructose within sucrose is particularly harmful, the present study compared the effects of giving rats access to either a sucrose or an isoenergetic glucose solution. Adult male rats were fed standard chow and water supplemented with 95 ml of 10% glucose (Glucose group; n = 10), 9% sucrose solution (Sucrose group; n = 10) or water only (Control group; n = 10) daily for 7 weeks. Sugar-fed groups had higher total energy intakes than the Control group, but the extent of this incomplete compensation did not vary between Sucrose and Glucose groups. In a short-term compensation test, sugar groups were less sensitive to the effects of a sweet pre-meal, with no differences between the Glucose and Sucrose groups. Relative to water, both sugars reduced insulin sensitivity after 4 weeks on the diets and elevated fat mass at 7 weeks. Results suggest that sucrose and glucose induce comparable metabolic impairments and alter the homeostatic regulation of food intake even under conditions where daily access is capped.
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