Optimising Traffic Operations at Signalised Intersections via Transit Signal Priority

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Creating a balance between private and public transport modes is essential for sustainable urban transport systems. Though private transport options are necessary for certain trip purposes, it is imperative to ensure that the mass transport of people using public modes achieves an acceptable level of service. The following dissertation develops novel strategies for public transport prioritisation to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and quality of service of the transport system as a whole. Two widely used options for public transport priority can be through using bus pre-signals and Transit Signal Priority (TSP). Pre-signals can be installed near an intersection to prioritise buses by stopping vehicles before the main intersection. LRV signal priority is a timing strategy that prioritises LRVs at signalised intersections by changing the sequence of phases, extending the green time and reducing the red time of the LRV’s phase to limit delays to the vehicle. This thesis focuses on improving pre-signals and LRV signal priority systems by changing the approach speed of vehicles to reduce the green time needed for public transport priority. Consequently, the priority of LRVs and buses is maintained while improving the performance of private vehicles by keeping the red time to an absolute minimum.
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