Obesity and lung function: From childhood to adulthood

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Mechanisms and Manifestations of Obesity in Lung Disease, 2018, pp. 45-65
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Research in the last few decades has shown that obesity and its metabolic complications have important effects on the respiratory system. There is ample and growing evidence that obesity affects lung function in otherwise healthy adults and children. Obesity exerts an additional load upon the respiratory system, changing the balance of pressures between the inward recoil of the lung and the outward pressure of the chest. This has major consequences on lung volumes, airway mechanics, airway closure, expiratory flow limitation, ventilation distribution, airway hyperresponsiveness, and exhaled nitric oxide levels. Many of the changes in lung function due to obesity are likely to contribute to respiratory symptoms; however, there are important differences in the effect of obesity on lung function between children, adolescents, and adults. Therefore understanding the effects of obesity on lung function throughout the lifespan is imperative to understanding present and future effects of obesity on respiratory health.
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