Neuron-Network-Based Mixture Probability Model for Passenger Walking Time Distribution Estimation

Institute of Electronics, Information and Communications Engineers (IEICE)
Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 2022, E105D, (5), pp. 1112-1115
Issue Date:
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Aiming for accurate data-driven predictions for the passenger walking time, this study proposes a novel neuron-network-based mixture probability (NNBMP) model with repetition learning (RL) to estimate the probability density distribution of passenger walking time (PWT) in the metro station. Our conducted experiments for Fuzhou metro stations demonstrate that the proposed NNBMP-RL model achieved the mean absolute error, mean square error, and mean absolute percentage error of 0.0078, 1.33 × 10−4, and 19.41%, respectively, and it outperformed all the seven compared models. The developed NNBMP model fitting accurately the PWT distribution in the metro station is readily applicable to the microscopic analyses of passenger flow.
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