Time-dependent Mandel Q parameter analysis for a hexagonal boron nitride single photon source.

Optica Publishing Group
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Opt Express, 2023, 31, (6), pp. 10794-10804
Issue Date:
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The time-dependent Mandel Q parameter, Q(T), provides a measure of photon number variance for a light source as a function of integration time. Here, we use Q(T) to characterise single photon emission from a quantum emitter in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN). Under pulsed excitation a negative Q parameter was measured, indicating photon antibunching at an integration time of 100 ns. For larger integration times Q is positive and the photon statistics become super-Poissonian, and we show by comparison with a Monte Carlo simulation for a three-level emitter that this is consistent with the effect of a metastable shelving state. Looking towards technological applications for hBN single photon sources, we propose that Q(T) provides valuable information on the intensity stability of single photon emission. This is useful in addition to the commonly used g(2)(τ) function for the complete characterisation of a hBN emitter.
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