A Study on Image Privacy Protection in Response to Artificial Intelligence Technology

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This thesis addresses image privacy in the era of data sharing and artificial intelligence (AI). Motivated by AI-induced privacy risks, it aims to develop a practical framework and assess its methods. Challenges include inadequate defence against AI, limited privacy definitions, and the need for a privacy-utility balance. Contributions include a social media image privacy framework using adversarial perturbations, preserving utility while hiding private information. A differentially private image (DP-Image) framework perturbs feature vectors, ensuring privacy against human and AI adversaries. User centric privacy protection allows customizable levels, empowering users in computer vision applications. The thesis tackles high-quality image de-identification, enhancing anonymized datasets with decoder and attribute optimization techniques. Overall, it significantly advances social media privacy, provable privacy protection, user-centric privacy, and high-quality image de-identification in the age of data sharing and AI.
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