Dissemination of Fact-Checked News Does Not Combat False News: Empirical Analysis

Springer Nature
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2023, 14306 LNCS, pp. 122-133
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978-981-99-7254-8_10.pdfPublished version2.65 MB
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This paper examines the impact of true news on the propagation of false news in social media networks. Due to the unavailability of real-world data, we present our methodological approach for collecting Twitter data using the Twitter API. Our dataset includes about five million tweets over six months, encompassing 400 false news stories with fact-checker labels, verified true news tweets, and related interactions (retweets, quoted tweets, replies). Our analysis investigates the influence of true news on curbing false news dissemination on Twitter and explores potential user network connections between false and true news. Statistical analysis on the dataset suggests that true news tweets have an insignificant impact on the spread of false news tweets. These results contribute to our understanding of the dynamics between true and false news within social media networks.
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