Atomic Dispersion via High-Entropy Liquid Metal Alloys

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Small Structures, 2024, 5, (12)
Issue Date:
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Gallium-based liquid metal alloys exhibit unconventional and intriguing properties as metallic solvents, demonstrating an exceptional potential to dissolve and reconfigure a vast array of elements within the liquid metal matrix. Leveraging on these distinctive characteristics of gallium-based alloys, the synthesis of high-entropy liquid metal alloys (HELMAs) in low dimensions is reported. The nanoscale HELMAs offer advantages including the solvation of multiple metallic elements at room temperature, while promoting their atomic dispersion at elevated concentrations. Entropy estimations for HELMAs surpass those of high-temperature molten metals, leading to the realization of high-entropy liquid metal systems at room temperature. Through a proof-of-concept hydrogen evolution reaction comparison, the potential of these HELMAs in enhancing the activities of nanocatalysts is demonstrated. In this case, atomic dispersion of Pt is shown in senary GaIn-AuCuPtPd HELMA, contrasting with lower entropy systems in which Pt forms discernible clusters. These presented features can lead to catalytic systems with enhanced and tailored activities.
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