Even-order optical harmonics generated from centrosymmetric-material metasurfaces

American Physical Society (APS)
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Physical Review Research, 2024, 6, (3), pp. 033073
Issue Date:
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Generation of even-order optical harmonics requires noncentrosymmetric structures being conventionally observed in crystals lacking the center of inversion. In centrosymmetric systems, even-order harmonics may arise, e.g., at surfaces but such effects are usually very weak. Here we observe optical harmonics up to fourth order generated under the normal incidence from centrosymmetric dielectric metasurfaces empowered by resonances. We design silicon metasurfaces supporting optical quasibound states in the continuum and guided-mode resonances, and demonstrate the enhancement of second-harmonic signals by over three orders of magnitude compared to nonresonant thin films. Under the optimal conditions, the brightness of the second harmonic approaches that of the third harmonic, and the fourth-order harmonic becomes detectable.
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