“海子神话”话语分析——神话话语下的中国当代知识分子价值观念蜕变 = HaiZi myth : a discourse analysis - the value transformation of contemporary Chinese intellectuals in light of myth discourse

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“海子神话”是围绕上个世纪80年代中国年轻诗人海子的自杀事件形成的一个持续至今的社会现象。它伴随了“六四”生发过程,关联了“六四”政治情绪,与“六四”事件同时指向中国当代政治、文化和历史的深刻问题。本课题从话语理论角度,通过对该现象23年之久所涉及话语文本的分析,在确定其为神话话语类型同时,探讨了它的实践动力(形成原因),揭示了它所承载的深刻文化问题,并力图由此洞悉“六四”事件的本质以及中国当代知识分子价值观念蜕变等问题,有效延展课题的价值和意义。 "Hai Zi Myth" is a social phenomenon, enduring to the present day, which originated from the suicide committed by a 80s young Chinese poet named Hai Zi in the last century. It underwent the process of the "June 4th Incident" and associated with the political sentiment of the Incident. The Myth, together with the "June 4th Incident", simultaneously points sharply at the profound problems of politics, culture and history in contemporary China. This project, from the perspective of discourse theory, analyses the phenomenon lasting for 23 years and its related discourse. Determining the phenomenon as the myth discourse type, it explores the exertion of its power (the causes of its origination), brings to light its serious cultural problems, and tries to gain an insight into the nature of the "June 4th Incident " and the value transformation of contemporary Chinese intellectuals, and thus effectively extends the value and significance of the research.
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