内蒙古煤炭工业的可持续发展问题研究 = A study on the sustainable development of the coal industry in inner Mongolia

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本论文依据可持续发展理论以及其它相关理论对内蒙古煤炭产业的发展进行深入系统的研究。它从定量和定性两方面就内蒙古煤炭产业的发展及其对环境的影响进行全面分析,突破以往的研究偏于定性表述的局限。它全面分析了内蒙古煤炭产业可持续发展的有利条件和不利因素,认为内蒙古煤炭产业的可持续发展,与国内其他地区相比,具有明显的比较优势,主要体现在资源优势、产业基础优势、区位优势和投资政策优势等方面;同时在煤炭产业发展中也存在着煤炭资源精查不足、环境压力较大、交通条件较差、制度建设相对滞后等问题。 论文根据内蒙古煤炭产业发展所面临的特殊环境,提出内蒙古煤炭产业发展循环经济的思路和战略重点,并结合内蒙古煤炭产业发展的区域布局,提出了内蒙古煤炭产业循环经济发展模式、内蒙古煤炭产业组织优化的目标和途径、以及通盘考虑能源供求、经济发展和环境保护的计量模型。与此同时,论文的研究成果拓展了内蒙古煤炭产业可持续发展的思路和内蒙古煤炭城市转型的策略。论文运用产业组织优化理论,将内蒙古煤炭可持续发展与内蒙古煤炭城市转型的实际需要相结合,从城市经济、社会、环境、资源四大方面来探讨如何全面推进内蒙古资源枯竭型城市转型,实现内蒙古煤炭全面可持续发展。 Applying the theory of sustainable development and other relevant theories, this thesis provides both qualitative and quantitative analysises on the development of the coal industry in Inner Mongolia in a systematic way. The thesis identifies the comparative advantages for the sustainable development of the coal industry in Inner Mongolia in the areas of resources, geography and solid industrial foundation, as well as the disadvantages such as low efficiency, high environmental pressure, poor transportation system and inadequate institutions; the thesis also provides a copmplehensive assessment of the impact of the coal industry in Inner Mongolia on the environment and the constraints on the industrial development. At the same time, the thesis explores the related issues of the transformation of the coal cities in Inner Mongolia, which are facing the predicaments of diminishing resources, shrinking industries, structural unemployment and deteriorating ecology. Based on both imperical and theoretical analysises, the thesis goes a step further to offer some pratical development strategies and policy recommendations. The thesis argues that Inner Mongolia should strive for an optimal industrial structure based on the combination of a circulatory system and the development of the deep-pressing industries around the coal industry, including electricity generation and transmission; and that both the Central and local governments should pursue the policy to develop Inner Mongolia as a strategic energy base in supplying energy for north and north-east China. In terms of the transformation of the coal cities in Inner Mongolia, the thesis proposes a comprehensive approach and optimal models in effectively dealing with resources exploitation, economic development, social security and environmental protection in a coordinated manner.
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