Photoinduced axial quantization in chalcogenide microfiber resonators

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 2013, 30 (12), pp. 3249 - 3253
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We investigate axial quantization in chalcogenide (As2S3) whispering gallery mode microfiber resonators. A microcavity is fabricated using a positive photoinduced index perturbation in the microfiber, and the modes are excited through evanescent field coupling with a tapered silica fiber. We show that the modes of the unperturbed fiber split into ladders of modes due to the confinement along the axial direction of the fiber. The axial quantization of the modes is reproduced with a combination of numerical models. Due to the high nonlinearity and photosensitive properties of chalcogenide glasses, microcavities in these materials offer unique potential in nonlinear optics and sensing applications. © 2013 Optical Society of America.
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