Climate change and wheat crop yields in Australia: A review

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Crop Yields: Production, Management Practices and Impact of Climate Change, 2013, pp. 87 - 108
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The potential impact of climate change on wheat production is a key concern to Australia due to its importance to the nation's economy and to global food security as wheat is a key player in the world grain market. This work extensively reviewed the relationship between wheat crop production including yield and future climatic change based on both experimental and modelling studies conducted in Australia over the last four decades. Experiment studies evolved from adopting glasshouse, gradient tunnel facility to free air CO2 enrichment facility, evolved from studying enhanced CO2 effect alone to the combined effects of increased atmospheric CO2 concentration along with other environmental factors such as light, temperature, soil water and nutrient, and with various soil types, and evolved from wheat monoculture to wheat-pulse rotation system. Modelling approaches evolved from sensitivity analysis, to scenario analysis and to Bayesian analysis. The advantage and disadvantage of each research method were discussed where appropriate. Future research directions were identified to better address future climate change, food security and sustainability issues. © 2013 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.
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