Polymorphism in porphyrin monolayers: The relation between adsorption configuration and molecular conformation

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2013, 15 (30), pp. 12451 - 12458
Issue Date:
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Self-assembled monolayers of meso-5,10,15,20-tetrakis(undecyl)porphyrin copper(ii) on a graphite/1-octanoic acid interface have been studied by Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy. Four distinct polymorphs were observed, varying in their unit cell size. Arrays of unit cells of the various polymorphs seamlessly connect to each other via shared unit cell vectors. The monolayers are not commensurate, but coincident with the underlying graphite substrate. The seamless transition between the polymorphs is proposed to be the result of an adaptation of the molecular conformations in the polymorphs and at the boundaries, which is enabled by the conformational freedom of the alkyl tails of these molecules. This journal is © the Owner Societies 2013.
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