中国农村贫困线的构成维度研究 = A study on the constructive dimension of rural Chinese poverty line

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反贫困的基本前提是识别穷人。以往中国农村贫困线研究的焦点是“如何制定贫困线”,却忽略了一个基础性和前瞻性的问题——“贫困线应由哪些维度构成”。本课题综合应用文献分析、田野调查及计量分析三种方法,研究发现,它的构成维度是客观存在、可构建并转化为政策的。其最优维度是四个,社会认可生活标准、贫困人群需求、国家资源和战略及国际反贫困。而一般构成则增加经济发展和物价水平为6维度。这是一种制定贫困线的新方法。 The basic and precondition of anti-poverty is to identify the poor. The formal research about Chinese rural poverty mainly focused on “how to draw poverty line”. However, neglected a basic and prospective issue: “what are the dimensions which consist of poverty line?” This research project synthesizes three research methods, namely: document analysis, field research and quantitative analysis. We find out that, the constitution dimension of poverty line is exist objectively; it is constructable and can be transfered into the relevant policies as well. There are four optimal dimensions: living standard recognized by the society; the need of the poor population; national resources and strategies and international anti-poverty. There are six dimensions for the general constitution, plus economic development and price level. This is a new way to draw poverty line.
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