Two-level ultrabright single photon emission from diamond nanocrystals
- Publication Type:
- Journal Article
- Citation:
- Nano Letters, 2009, 9 (9), pp. 3191 - 3195
- Issue Date:
- 2009-09-09
Closed Access
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The fabrication of stable ultrabright single photon sources operating at room temperature is reported. The emitter is based on a color center within a diamond nanocrystal grown on a sapphire substrate by chemical vapor deposition method and exhibits a two-level electronic behavior with a maximum measured count rate of 3.2 x 106 counts/s at saturation. The emission is centered at ∼756 nm with a full width at half-maximum ∼11 nm and an excited state lifetime of 3.7 ns. These unique properties make it a leading candidate for quantum photonics and communication applications as well as for cellular biomarking. © 2009 American Chemical Society.
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