Collected works related to the development of the modern cochlear implant

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This thesis for a higher doctorate in engineering at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) presents collected works related to the development of the modern cochlear implant, a prosthesis that restores useful hearing for deaf or severely hearing impaired persons. The emphasis is on the engineering aspects of the development, and the principal work for this thesis is the book ‘Better Hearing with Cochlear Implants: Studies at the Research Triangle Institute’, which is a major engineering treatise. In addition, ten further publications are included that also describe engineering aspects of the development. This bounded thesis includes the ten further publications, an acknowledgments section, a published review of the book, a one-page biographical sketch for the author, and the author’s full CV. The book is available separately at the UTS Library or from the publisher, Plural Publishing, Inc., of San Diego, CA, USA.
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