Achieving academic engagement: Supporting academics to embed first year transition pedagogies in the curriculum

Queensland Institute of Technology
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
16th International First Year in Higher Education Conference, 2013, pp. 1 - 5
Issue Date:
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This paper describes a small grants scheme aimed at supporting academics to embed first year (FY) transition pedagogies in the curriculum, as part of a university-wide FYE strategy. The scheme enables first year subject coordinators to apply for funding to address one or more of the six transition pedagogy principles in ways appropriate for their disciplines and students. Over three years, fifty grants have been awarded to coordinators from all faculties for projects that range from resource creation to tutor development to changes in assessment and feedback practices. The paper describes the operation of the scheme and provides an initial analysis of the successes and challenges of its first two years from the perspectives of the grant holders and the UTS FYE Coordinator. Two examples of FYE grants are used to illustrate some features of successful projects.
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