Diamond nanophotonics

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Advanced Optical Materials, 2014, 2 (10), pp. 911 - 928
Issue Date:
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© 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. The burgeoning field of nanophotonics has grown to be a major research area, primarily because of the ability to control and manipulate single quantum systems (emitters) and single photons on demand. For many years, studying nanophotonic phenomena was limited to traditional semiconductors (including silicon and GaAs) and experiments were carried out predominantly at cryogenic temperatures. In the last decade, however, diamond has emerged as a new contender to study photonic phenomena at the nanoscale. Offering a plethora of quantum emitters that are optically active at room temperature and ambient conditions, diamond has been exploited to demonstrate super-resolution microscopy and realize entanglement, Purcell enhancement, and other quantum and classical nanophotonic effects. Elucidating the importance of diamond as a material, this progress report highlights the recent achievements in the field of diamond nanophotonics, and conveys a roadmap for future experiments and technological advancements.
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