Effect of composition and packing configuration on the dichroic optical properties of coinage metal nanorods

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2006, 8 (30), pp. 3520 - 3527
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When nanorods of Au, Ag and some other elements are aligned with a preferred orientation with respect to light, their optical extinction characteristics become dependent on the polarization and angle of incidence of the light. This effect is explored here and it is shown that it could potentially be exploited to produce a 'colour-change coating'. However, particle-particle interactions are also likely to occur in such coatings, with red shifting of extinction spectra occurring for end-on-end configurations of monodisperse rods, and blue shifting for side-by-side configurations. Surprisingly, the particle-particle interactions are attenuated if they are between rods of differing aspect ratios, and this offers a useful new means of control of the optical properties of coatings of nanorods. © the Owner Societies 2006.
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