A short remark on the band structure of free-edge platonic crystals

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Waves in Random and Complex Media, 2014, 24 (4), pp. 421 - 430
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© 2014 © 2014 Taylor & Francis. A corrected version of the multipole solution for a thin plate perforated in a doubly periodic fashion is presented. It is assumed that free-edge boundary conditions are imposed at the edge of each cylindrical inclusion. The solution procedure given here exploits a well-known property of Bessel functions to obtain the solution directly, in contrast to the existing incorrect derivation. A series of band diagrams and an updated table of values are given for the resulting system (correcting known publications on the topic), which shows a spectral band at low frequency for the free-edge problem. This is in contrast to clamped-edge boundary conditions for the same biharmonic plate problem, which features a low-frequency band gap. The numerical solution procedure outlined here is also simplified relative to earlier publications, and exploits the spectral properties of complex-valued matrices to determine the band structure of the structured plate.
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