中国云南省参与大湄公河次区域经济合作研究 = China's Yunnan province and the Greater Mekong Sub-region economic cooperation

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本文系统论述云南参与大湄公河次区域经济合作发展,深化了学术界对这一问题的研究。本文运用区域经济学的有关前沿理论,对大湄公河次区域经济合作产生的基础、合作的动力机制、发展形式以及合作内容等进行了分析。作者将大湄公河次区域经济合作发展历程划分为三个阶段,并分析了贸易和投资在大湄公河次区域经济合作中的重要作用。文章认为,由于次区域总体基础设施条件滞后,亚洲开发银行主导次区域经济合作就有其必要性。作为松散的国家间合作,大湄公河次区域经济合作机制面临着严峻的挑战,既有战略性的也有现实中的。 本文的核心是对中国云南省参与和推动次区域经济合作的深入分析。文章提出,战略利益观是中国云南省参与大湄公河次区域经济合作的基石。通过对中国云南省的区位为什么能成为优势的分析,指出中国云南省最大的优势就是"双向桥头堡"的国际大通道优势。立足此优势,中国云南省的区位比较优势向区位竞争优势转化成为现实选择。一是区位比较优势向竞争优势的转化;二是低成本的初级竞争优势向高效率的区位竞争优势的转化。文章认为,交易效率是影响区位比较优势向竞争优势转化的关键,并指出中国云南省要通过基础设施建设、发展国内区际贸易和实施企业"走出去"战略三条途径实现由比较优势向竞争优势的转化。文章指出,持续的创新是高效率竞争优势实现的关键,需要通过产业集聚的外部性获得持续创新的各项因素。一方面要构建产业集聚的空间结构;另一方面,通过具有导向性的产业投资政策,吸引国外和省外的外部投资以及非公经济成份的投资来获得产业集聚的外部效益。最后,文章指出政府在中国云南省实现竞争优势的"两个转化"中应提供有效的制度安排和为区域创新发挥航标灯的作用。 This thesis is a systematic examination of Yunnan's participation in the Greater Mekong Sub-region Economic Cooperation, deepening the understanding of this important issue. Applying relevant theories about regional economic cooperation, the thesis examines in a systematic way the foundation, dynamics, contents and forms of the greater Mekong sub-region economic cooperation. It traces three stages of the development of the greater Mekong sub-region economic cooperation in trade and investment, pointing out that Asia Development Bank has played a key role due to underdevelopment of infrastructure in the region. It also points out the challenges lying ahead of this loose international cooperation. The core of this thesis is an in-depth analysis on Yunnan's participation in the Greater Mekong Sub-region Economic Cooperation. The findings include: Yunnan's participation is based on the concept of strategic interests; the greatest of advantage of Yunnan lies in its geographic position as a "two-way bridgehead" on the international thoroughfare; transaction efficiency is key for Yunnan to translate its geographic comparative advantage into geographic competitive advantage, including primary competitive advantage based on low costs and higher level competitive advantage based on efficiency; Yunnan needs to adopt several strategies such as better infrastructure, more inter-provincial trade, expansion of its enterprises beyond the border, innovation and development of industry clusters to improve the efficiency of economy; the government should provide effective institutional arrangements and guidance for innovation.
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