Simplified BRDF of a non-Lambertian diffuse surface

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Lighting Research and Technology, 2007, 39 (3), pp. 265 - 281
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For real diffuse surfaces, the bi-directional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) is non-Lambertian, and may require a more complex model in ray tracing simulations. The BRDF of a diffuse white surface is studied at multiple angles of incidence, and an additional reflectance component is observed, which becomes more specular as the angle of incidence increases. For angles of incidence >85°, the BRDF may be regarded as specular. In this article, a two-part model is proposed in which the BRDF of a diffuse surface consists of a Lambertian diffuse component and a Lorentzian pseudo-specular component - both of which vary with angle of incidence. This model may be used to reduce computation times for ray tracing simulations, as an alternative to large three-dimensional BRDF datasets. © The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers 2007.
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