《说文解字注笺》研究 = A study of Shuowen Jiezi zhujian

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《说文解字》是中国第一部以六书理论系统地分析字形、解释字义、辩识声读和考究字源的字典。而《说文解字注笺》则是清人徐灏为"说文四大家"之一段玉裁的巨著《说文解字注》作的笺,其目的是弥补《段注》的缺点,阐发《段注》的意旨,称得上是段氏之诤友、"说文学"研究领域之奇葩。鉴于此书在"说文学"研究领域的特殊地位,本文通过征引大量文献资料阐明了徐灏《说文解字注笺》的学术渊源和价值;依据对作者徐灏及其写作背景的具体分析,探讨了该书的写作风格;借用系统方法论,实现了对全书体例和内容的鸟瞰;同时从文字、音韵和训诂三个方面来进一步彰显徐灏在笺注《说文解字注》过程中所取得的成就。最后通过对作者所处时代和学术背景的分析,对徐书中的错解字义和误批条目作了订正。从而肯定该书之成就与影响,探讨其缺点及不足,籍以填补此项研究未尽之处。 Written by XU Shen (ca.58-147) of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Shuowen Jiezi was the first dictionary in China. This research focuses on Xu Hao's Shuowen Jiezi Zhujian, a book-length annotation of Shuowen Jiezi Zhu by Duan Yucai. Duan's work is one of the most important annotations of Shuowen Jiezi. Intended to make up the shortcomings and elaborate further on the annotations by Duan, Xu Hao's work has been praised for its constructive criticisms and outstanding scholarship in the studies of Shuowen Jiezi. Through substantial textual analysis and extensive reference to various sources, the present research is designed to provide an in-depth examination of Xu Hao's work, with a focus on its contribution to Duan Yucai's annotation of Shuowen Jiezi. The research is carried out in the "xiao xue" tradition, which designates a body of linguistic knowledge and methodology that has a long history and is still taught and studied in Chinese academic community. In the present study, emphasis has been placed the life and the background of the author, the structure and content of the book, the innovations in philology and phonology, and its contribution to the development of ''xiao xue" in the Qing Era. The shortcomings of the work are also critically assessed.
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