An evaluation of multimetal deposition II

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Forensic Identification, 2003, 53 (4), pp. 444 - 488
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Multimetal deposition (MMD) has not found routine application because of its complexity and inconsistent results. Recent research that sought to overcome these problems resulted in the development of a new formulation known as MMDII. MMDII utilizes smaller colloidal gold particles (14 nm as compared to 30 nm) and an alternative physical developer (silver acetate/hydroquinone rather than silver nitrate/iron(II)/iron(III)). Several MMD formulations were evaluated in this study, and MMDII proved to be the superior formulation, giving better overall print detail. On nonporous surfaces, MMDII may offer further print development than that achieved with cyanoacrylate fuming (CA) and luminescent staining, but vacuum metal deposition (VMD) always gave superior results to MMD. MMDII and VMD were compared to standard techniques on a number of semiporous surfaces, including expanded polystyrene, waxed paper, latex gloves, and nitrile gloves. MMDII proved to be the technique of choice on these surfaces. The ability of MMDII to react with print residue within and on the surface is believed to be important to its success.
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