The jungle and the academy

Copenhagen Business School Press
Publication Type:
Bits of Organization, 2009, 1st, pp. 56 - 66
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Philadelphia was the home of F. W. Taylor, a noble forebear for management scholars, many might think. From the steel mills of that great city much of what is taken for granted as modern management began. Further to the north, in Chicago and Detroit, there are other fountainheads of management's truths. 1 want to take a journey through the industrial heartland of the US, starting in Chicago, a journey that will take us through two very different conceptions of what management is and should be, which 1 shall encompass as an orientation that accepts the nature of reality as is and seeks to create employees and knowledge that are 'work ready' to meet it, and an orientation that is 'future oriented', one thar looks at what is and thinks it could be better. Taylor and Ford, of Philadelphia and Detroit, reflect the first position; Sinclair and Ezra Park, of Chicago, the second. 1 shall narrate a journey linking these figures before arriving at the 'forward thinking, work ready' conclusion.
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