Combining energy efficiency with aesthetic appeal using advanced optical materials

Nova Science Publishers Inc.
Publication Type:
Frontiers in Optical Technology: Materials and Devices, 2007, 1, pp. 125 - 158
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Energy efficiency in interior spaces concerns supply of lighting needs and maximising thermal comfort, with minimum use of electrical power fom the grid and of fossil fuels. It is relevant to all classes of buildings. and also. to transport. The world is faced with two apparently conflicting demands right now. A rapid growth in demand for better living standards and lifestyles, and an urgent need to cut greenhollse gas emissions. If this "conflict" can be eliminated or softened. then the process of scaling back our negative impact on the environment will accelerate. If it cannot, all living standards are at risk in the long term. Such a changeover, in common with past technology driven shifts in human activity, will also generate wide ranging opportunities tor economic growth in all regions of the world. There is much new science needed to optimise these technologies. and optics is playing a central role. Examples of two science based systems for better use of natural lighting are in fig. I.
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