The alternative to classical mass renormalisation for tube-based self-force calculations

IOP Publishing Ltd
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Classical And Quantum Gravity, 2009, 26 (10), pp. 1 - 19
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To date, classical mass renormalization has been invoked in all tube-based self-force calculations, thus following the method introduced in Dirac's 1938 calculation of the electromagnetic self-force for the classical radiating electron. In this paper, a new tube method is described that does not rely on a mass renormalization procedure. As a result, exact self-force calculations become possible for classical radiating systems of finite size. A new derivation of the Lorentz-Dirac equation is given and the relationship between the new tube method and the classical mass renormalization procedure is explained. It is expected that a similar tube method could be used to obtain rigorous results in the gravitational self-force problem.
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